vein stripping procedure
vein stripping procedureVein Stripping Is a Common Option
When a person notices the appearance of large, discolored veins, the diagnosis is usually called varicose veins.
They appear as swollen, twisted veins and measure upward of millimeters in diameter, and sometimes larger. Varicose veins are noticed on a person’s thighs and calves and can cause pain itching. It is not advisable to scratch them, because it could result in sores, which lead to more complications that require varicose vein surgery.
vein stripping procedure
Females Suffer from Varicose Veins More than Men
Varicose veins occur more in females than in males and in patients who are more than 50 years of age. Though the exact cause of varicose veins is not known, varicose vein surgery is an option that can tackle the problem.
In fact, the best varicose vein surgery option for those who suffer from severe cases of varicose veins is varicose vein surgical technique called vein stripping. Vein stripping procedure is performed while the patient is under local or even partial anesthesia. The surgeon inserts a flexible implement into the varicose vein, and removes them through a small incision in the patient’s skin.
Other forms of varicose vein surgery, called endovenous procedures, are highly effective in removing severe cases of varicose veins in a patient’s thighs or legs. This type of technique is not as invasive as vein stripping, and does not require overnight hospitalization, even though an insertion into the vein is performed
vein stripping procedure
Before the
surgery, the patient will sign a consent form giving the physician permission
to perform the surgery. The surgeon then applies the most appropriate method to
remove the varicose veins in your legs.
vein laser surgery is another option that involves sending strong beams of
light into the varicose veins, which results in the fading and disappearance of
the varicose veins.
Once the
varicose vein surgery has been performed, patients will be allowed to leave the
hospital only after they have fully recovered from the effects of anesthesia.
It may also be necessary to arrange to have someone drive you back home and
stay with you for the next twenty-four hours.
varicose vein pain