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Friday, 04.26.2024, 12:42 PM

Cold Sore Remedies. What Are They And How Well Do They Work

Hi all…Andi here,
Now, I have a pretty good feeling that you have probably tried a ton of different cold sore remedies trying to figure out how to get rid of cold sores fast. But this one does get rid of cold sores in 3 – 5 days.
PLEASE NOTE: Before I go into some of the cold sore treatments I used please read my previous post (Click Here) on what causes cold sores.
Herpes Simplex Virus 1
I don’t care what remedy you choose, you won’t get rid of HSV1. Once you have it in your body, it is there to stay. The traditional remedies only treat the symptoms of fever blisters once they appear. To soothe the pain, heal the scarring, and eliminate the redness in about 10 – 14 days usually. But…..
Good news!
What I used showed me how to get rid of of cold sores fast! I remember them being gone in about 3 days.
My treatment program didn’t get rid of HSV1 obviously. It just controls the herpes virus from the inside so getting rid of cold sores is quicker and more effective. And it will keep the herpes at bay. So NO MORE FEVER BLISTERS! YAY!
Ok, I have tried and tried over the years, trying everything under the sun to figure out how to get rid of a cold sore fast. Lets cover the good, the bad, and the ugly here……
Abreva For Cold Sores
The Good:
• Is effective for controlling pain and discomfort symptoms. But not effective if you want to know how to get rid of cold sores fast.
• Will work to speed healing from the average 2 to 3 week time frame to about 10 days from what I could tell.
• Effective for fighting the HSV1 virus. But effect is only temporary
The Bad:
• Only soothes outside symptoms.
• Effective temporarily. It does NOT prevent the HSV1 from returning. Mine always did….
• Can only apply for up to 10 days.
• Could start side effects after 10 days. I used to get terrible headaches!
Abreva was a BIG waste of money for me! Took 10 days or more to take effect and I always got the headaches.
My next move to figure how to get rid of cold sores fast was to try:
You know what I’m talking about maybe. The cold sore remedy in the little yellow can. I had a really bad cold sore pop up about 3 days before my Senior year in high school started. But after 2 days of using Carmex, the cold sore was still there. So needless to say, I was embarrassed when school started.
The Good:
• Did work to help with the pain
• And it did help with the itching and made the cold sore area nice and smooth.
• Had a pleasant feel to it
The Bad:
• Again, if you need to know how to get rid of cold sores fast, Carmex isn’t it.
• My Dr. said it does not really attack the herpes. But only effective as a pain reliever and soothing agent.
• Plus, there are side effects. Possible allergic reaction to the ingredients, mostly the lanolin.
Nope! Not a good way for figuring out how to get rid of a cold sore fast!
I would always get my worst lip sores after being in the sun all day at the beach. If you read my previous post, you would know why. I kept asking the Dr. was there a cold sore cure that knew how to get rid of cold sores fast? He said most prescribed treatments for fever blisters work at different speeds. Through the years, I have tried the following:
Yep, this is the same drug used for genital herpes. But is supposed to work on HIV1 mouth sores also.
The Bad:
• Good God is it expensive!! A bottle of 30 100mg pills was like $240. That’s about $8 per pill. A bottle of 1000mg pills is like $3000. Better have insurance!
• Gave me a slight nauseous side effect
The Good:
• It is very effective! Valtrex was effective at getting rid of my cold sores in like 3 or 4 days.
• This is one good alternative for how to get rid of cold sores fast. If you can stomach the price!
Zovirax Pills and Denavir ointments
Both of these remedies are pretty good at getting rid of cold sores relatively quick. But my experience was usually in the norm of about 5 – 7 days.
However, Zovirax is also a bit expensive. I paid $120 each time for the pills and the Denavir was about $50 I think. Problem is, you have to start these meds when you feel a fever blister coming on.
But still, neither of these options kept my cold sores from coming back. And in my case, did not heal them fast enough for me.
But I did not give up……
Through the help of one my new co-workers I finally found something that showed me how to get rid of cold sores fast. My personal experience was in 3 days.
But I Finally Won The Battle After All These Years Thank God!
What my co-worker showed me has kept the cold sores from ever coming back. And that is up in my next post! Stay tuned!
How To Get Rid Of Cold Sores Fast. A Natural Solution That Worked in 3 Days